The carrying out of an interesting activity of English
was favored on being the school, from 2007, involved in
an important project Comenius-Reggio,
very suitable for the stage of Preeschool Education ,
Thus, in the framework of this Comenius , a visit
of the foreign teachers to CEIP GRAXAL took place and It supposed for us , among other benefits, that
our students could interview in English to those teachers.
The interviewers were great and the interviewees were not at a
lower standard than the pupils . Here I leave
you the article corresponding to
this fact reflected in the school magazine of the center ," BULE BULE 2009".
Ao estar involucrado o colexio , a
partir do 2007 , nun importante proxecto Comenius–Reggio , moi axeitado para
a etapa de E. Infantil , favoreceuse
a realización dunha , tamén
importante e moi axeitada , actividade
de inglés .
Así ,
dentro do marco deste
Comenius tivo lugar a visita dos profesores estranxeiros ao
centro educativo , CEIP GRAXAL , isto serveunos , entre outras cousas, para que
o noso alumnado entrevistara en inglés a eses profesores .
Os entrevistadores estiveron de cine e os entrevistados non estiveron a menor nivel.
vos deixo o artigo correspondente
a este feito reflectido na revista escolar do centro ,a “ BULE BULE 2009 “